Danielle's Blog (12)

Summer Makeup Look - Danielle Scott


1. First with this burnt orange shade you want to blend this into the crease with a large fluffy brush.

2. With a…


Added by Danielle on July 20, 2018 at 8:30am — No Comments

Classic Red Lip Makeup Tutorial - DANIELLE SCOTT

1. First you want to start with the face. With your foundation you want to apply this all over the face, taking it down the neck and ears. You don't want to have any lines. Then with concealer you want to apply this to the forehead, under eyes, chin and nose. Then with some loose setting powder you want to go over the top on concealer to make…


Added by Danielle on June 14, 2018 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Dramatic Cut Crease Makeup Tutorial

1. First for the eyes you want to blend a vibrant pink into the crease and lower lashline.

2. Then with some concealer you want to carve out the cut crease. So first take it from the inner corner and open your eyes and map out the crease line and then take it out…


Added by Danielle on June 12, 2018 at 8:05pm — No Comments

Quick Smokey Blue Makeup Look

1. First take a burnt orange brown shade and blend this into the crease making sure it is soft and blended.

2. Then with a light blue shimmer shadow, apply this to the inner corner and take it onto the lid.…


Added by Danielle on June 9, 2018 at 6:23pm — No Comments

Rainbow Spotlight Eye Makeup

1. First you want to prime your eyes. You can do this with concealer or even a eye primer and apply this all over the lid up into the brow. Then set it with a skin toned shadow.

2. With a blue eye shadow blend this into the crease making sure it is blended. Then…


Added by Danielle on June 5, 2018 at 10:30am — No Comments

Golden Spotlight Eye Makeup

1. First with a large fluffy brush take a red eyeshadow and blend this into the crease.

2. Then with a smaller brush and a brown eyeshadow you want to blend this into the crease also.



Added by Danielle on June 1, 2018 at 7:00am — No Comments

Weekend Red Lip Glam

1. First, you want to fill in your brows and then go around it with some concealer to help carve them out and make them look perfect.

2. Then with some liquid highlighter, you want to apply this on the highest points of the face. So apply this to the top of the…


Added by Danielle on May 26, 2018 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Summer Makeup Look

1. First you want to fill in your brows however you normally would. To clean up your brows, apply concealer around your brows and also apply concealer on the lid and blend this out into the brows. Then with a light skin toned shadow, you want to set the concealer so it doesn't move around.…


Added by Danielle on May 24, 2018 at 8:00am — No Comments

Dark Warm Brown Smokey Makeup Look

1. First taking a burnt red orange shade, blend into the crease and lower lashline with a large fluffy brush.

2. With a darker brown shade, blend into the crease and lower lashline keeping it a little lower than the last color to give a transition blended…


Added by Danielle on May 18, 2018 at 5:00am — No Comments

The Magic Juvia's Place Makeup Tutorial 2

1. First with a large fluffy brush and a red shadow you want to blend this in the crease.

2. Then with a pencil brush and a dark navy blue shadow you want to apply this in the crease keeping it a little lower than the red and make sure it is blended.…


Added by Danielle on May 17, 2018 at 6:00am — No Comments

Pink Spring Glam Makeup - Danielle Scott

1. First for the look, you want to take a large fluffy brush and blend a brown shadow into the crease making sure there is no harsh lines.

2. Then with a darker brown shade and a smaller fluffy brush you want to apply this to the crease keeping it closer to the lashline. Also take this on the outer…


Added by Danielle on April 18, 2018 at 1:00pm — No Comments

The Magic Juvia's Place Makeup Tutorial

The perfect look going into summer. You have the golden and red tones which is just perfect. This look can be everyday as you have paired it with a nude lip or even on an all out night out.

1. First for the eyes, you want to take this…


Added by Danielle on April 12, 2018 at 1:05pm — No Comments

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