How To Get Rid of Pesky Blackheads and Keep Them Away | All Natural Skincare Remedy | Easy and Affordable Solution For Blackheads

As much as I love glam, skincare is far more important to me. After all, a fresh faced bare canvas makes makeup application a dream! Over the last few years, one of the main consistent skin issues that I've had is blackheads.  I've tried everything from pore strips (which are so temporary) to deep cleansing to mud masks, nothing seemed to do the job effectively.

I finally came across a solution that worked for me! It's incredibly easy, effective and so affordable! I'm so ecstatic because it's also a natural remedy and there's absolutely no chemicals involved and if you followed my Youtube channel in the past, than you already know what an avid DIY junkie I was!

Since blackheads are a very common skin issue, I wanted to share this with all of you! So take good ol' Tea Tree Oil and make sure it is 100% Pure and Natural. It works as an everyday natural astringent for the skin. Benefits of tea tree oil include cleansing, renewing, and purifying of the skin. If you look at the ingredients on the bottle they should say have nothing else added. My bottle reads "100% Pure Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Essential Oil."

Now, before you run out and purchase this, please remember it's absolutely essential to mix the tea tree essential oil with a carrier oil. You most likely already have a carrier oil in your pantry. Some examples are sweet almond oil, avocado oil, safflower oil, coconut oil and olive oil - all of which I'm a huge fan of. The one that I'm currently using to dilute the tea tree oil is by the same brand and is this one.


The ratio should be 1:10 mixture ratio. So I added 1 tsp of the tea tree essential oil to an empty container and then I added 10 tsp of the sweet almond oil. Shake it up well!


Then take a cotton ball, cotton round or q-tip and apply the tiniest amount (a little goes a long way) to fresh cleansed skin as needed. I apply all around the nose focusing around the nostrils.

If you've never used this essential oil before, let me just say it has a very strong smell that lasts for awhile. I used this everyday for a week and my stubborn blackheads were nearly all gone! This stuff is legit and totally works you just have to be consistent with applying regularly. 

Bonus Tip:

I used raw and unfiltered honey as a face mask recently because I needed extra moisturization for my dry skin. I left it on for a total of 30 minutes. As this was raw honey it crystallizes and doubles up as an exfoliator! So before rinsing it off, I made sure to massage and exfoliate my skin, again, focusing on my problem area, the nose. Guess what? The remaining pesky blackheads are literally gone!

So why did this work? Honey has natural antibacterial and antioxidant properties which are great for acne and cleansing the skin. It's also very moisturizing so when used regularly, you'll get moisturized skin with a natural glow.

I hope these tips helped and you do give them a try. Remember, consistency is key so make sure to do these often as possible to see effective results.

Leave a comment below, what are your go-to natural skincare remedies?

XOXO, Mandy

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