Hello Everyone!

I hope you enjoy this red panda face painting tutorial. 



Step 1: I did an outline in gray to get the shapes down. I was looking at the source image of the real red panda. I used 4 total colors and 4 brushes to create this look, so I wanted to take the real image and simplify it down to those color areas. 

Step 2: I filled in the white areas with Mehron Paradise white with a flat brush. Working from light to dark is always easiest.

Step 3: I used light brown next with the same 3/4" flat brush to fill in above my brown and on the edges of my face.

Step 4: With dark brown and a 1/2" flat brush I did the lines down my cheeks, the top of my forehead, and inside the ears. I also covered my eyelids and did the little curve around the white tufts above my eyes. I used a semi dry brush to blend the light and dark brown areas when they touched. 

Step 5: Using black, I started filling in the very top of my forehead and blending down. Then I did the inside of the ears. Then from the base of my chin up into the dark brown stripe. I did black all along the edges of my face and blended it it.

Step 6: I used a small round brush with black to line my eyes and draw the line from nose to mouth. I did the little whisker dots with the same small brush. Using a #5 round, I did my nose in black and feathered out on the bottom of my chin.

Step 7: I used a #2 round with white to do whiskers. The trick to whiskers is confident quick strokes. No shaky, slow hands! I also went back into all my white ares, and created a fur look by making quick brush strokes out in the direction fur would grow. 

Step 8: My final step was to make fur using the browns. With the #2 and #5, I made a variety of fur marks from the ears and stripes down my face where the browns overlapped. I wanted to create a realistic effect, so there are multiple layers of fur making with different size brushes. 

Happy painting!!

<3 Painted Mistress

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Comment by sara gulzaib on February 13, 2014 at 12:48pm

wow awesome

Comment by annamaria Kyriazis on November 14, 2013 at 12:57pm

awesome and so surreal <3

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