Life Update - Where Have I Been? | INTRO to Blogging

We all face hurdles. We all have struggles and face insecurities. But most commonly, we are all on the same complicated, to say the least - journey that's called life. I'd like to use this platform to share my story and experiences because I believe we all have a story that's worth telling.

I've been contemplating so long if I wanted to start YouTubing again or begin blogging. Since I'm such an indecisive person, lol, I didn't get around to doing either. So here's taking a leap to begin this blogging journey.

What I thought was going to be a short "hiatus" turned out to be 5 years since I last posted! Although I was only active 1.5 years on my Youtube channel, I somehow never managed to post more personal, get to know me, FAQs, type content. I guess I was just caught up in the routine of mainly posting how-tos and reviews. What can I say, I'm passionate about all things BEAUTY?! Who doesn't want to get all dolled up and have a little Zendaya moment?


I still rave about my fave products, tips, new techniques, etc. with my family and friends, some of which will still ask, why don't you just post this all somewhere? So I guess THIS BLOG will be that somewhere!

But let's get real, as humans, we are multifaceted beings. Although I love glam and the beauty community, it's not the only thing about me and I think that's one of the challenges I faced when I was a YouTuber. When I had an idea for something different, I was like well, where am I supposed to post this? I ended up creating two channels, one for makeup and the other for everything else but it still didn't work out the way I would've liked...

So here's a quick intro post just to say "hi" and to say that I'm looking forward to start posting again! I will not only be sharing beauty, makeup, skincare type posts but now that I'm a mom, yup, that's what's kept me occupied for the majority of the past few years, I also intend on sharing my experiences and parenting journey with you all. Of course, I have a few other things in mind, too.

Feel free to leave me a comment below with questions or what you'd like to see next!

XOXO, Mandy

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