A Little Beauty Haul In Italy (of a new mum)

Hi guys!

Today I'd like to share with you a little beauty haul that I did recently, here at my local drugstore in Italy.

It was the first time I went out on my own after having a baby and it was nice to have a bit of time for myself and to browse through all those beauty items!

I picked out some stuff for my little one too (such as diapers, wet wipes and other necessities), but here I'll be sharing only the goodies that I picked for myself.

So I got some much needed hair dyes, L'Oreal Prodigy in #7.0 Almond (finally, the right shade for my roots! After some trial and error of at home DIY hair coloring, I think that finally I have found the right shade for me, when it comes to coloring my dark roots a shade or two lighter, without them turning out brassy, or yellow looking!)

Then, I was super curious to try out these new Garnier Hydra Bomb face masks! I already used the pink one and there is only one thing I can say: I'm repurchasing! :-)

Seriously, these are amazing boost of hydration for your skin and when I catch a bit of time I'll make sure to review them properly in a separate post/ video!

Essence ultra strong base nail polish: It really works, plus it's super affordable! I love essence nail polishes and nail care products!

I also picked Wella Color Fresh in shade Silver (I still haven't used it but maybe this weekend I will! I'm hoping this will work well to give some more cool and ashy tones to my hair!)

I'll let you know how I like it, but the price was really good (around 11€) and it's ready to use (you don't have to mix it with a bleach or what not...), great for hair coloring dummies such as myself!

Nivea body lotion that you apply whilst taking a shower and then you just rinse off, works magically for all us busy mums who don't want to give up on our beauty routine! I love moisturising my body after showering and this is one step I wasn't willing to give up, even though I'll admit, it does take away some of the precious time! But with this body lotion that you apply under the shower, things get much easier and quicker, it's basically like skipping that step of applying body lotion, but you still get the silky soft feeling on your skin! This is my second bottle! Recommend!

Rimmel "Oh My Gloss" lip gloss is my newest obsession. I got it on a whim as it was on special promotion, and I've been getting back to loving lip glosses lately. This is such a perfect, easy to wear shade, and the formula of these "Oh My Gloss" glosses is excellent.

Leo Crema is italian product and they do very affordable face & body care products. I love this line in particular, enriched with argan oil! I picked up this serum that you can use before your day or night cream, and the makeup removing wipes were a gift with purchase.

Last but not least, as you can probably spot in the photo, I got the star print lightweight scarf for the spring weather! It was a gift for Women's Day and I was super happy about it! It's a nice sign of attention from my local drugstore, to their clients! It makes the shopping there much more pleasurable, right? 

This was my little beauty haul! I didn't have time to film a video about it but this week I have my Natural Labour & Delivery Story up on my channel, and if you're interested, you can watch it here!

Let me know what beauty products have you picked out recently?

xo from Italy,

Sonia Verardo

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About the Author: Trench Collection

" Beauty & fashion are a big part of my world and my everyday life! With the correct beauty routine we can all let our natural beauty shine! I never take fashion too seriously though. To me, fashion exists to brighten up my days and to inspire me to be creative in my life!" READ MORE>>


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