Top 10 Tips for Getting Fit! (Part One)

Here's how lazy I am, but don't judge, okay?
I planned this post (video) in April! Wrote down everything I wanted to say while having coffee in my favorite cafe in the lovely and now, very missed Prague. It's embarrassing how long it has taken me to finally sit down in front of my dear Canon and film this. And now that I've mentioned Cafe Coffee Day, I'm having insane cravings for their Homemade Lemonade with Lime.
Here are a few screenshots of the main parts of the video so you can have a glance at what I covered in this first segment. Trying to categorize a little bit, I've covered the less hardcore and factual parts now, and left the nitty-gritty for the next five tips which will be going up here on the 24th of this month.

"You need to accept this change as a change in your lifestyle and mentally prepare yourself for the journey you're about to take! This is going to be a big, long, tough battle where it's going to be YOU vs YOU! At times it's going to seem impossible and the first two weeks are going to be the hardest! Trust me, you're going to need a lot of motivation."
"What I mean by setting goals, is setting realistic goals. You need to know what you're capable of. Whenever you start, you need to start with the end result in mind. Set up a reward system for yourself! Cheat days are okay!"
"This is the process in which your brain tells your body to disintegrate muscle in order to feed itself. This happens because of starvation! The brain cannibalizes the body! Your brain gets used to this, it expects you to be in this mode so your body stores whatever you eat as fat! This is your brain telling it to get prepared for the next starvation period!"
"The scale doesn't give you nearly enough information about your body! You need to increase your muscle mass in order to look toned. Instead, measure yourself and take progress pictures once a month! This way you will see results better."
"More muscle equals burning more fat! Muscles burn three times the energy! Building muscle will NOT make you look like a buff female bodybuilder! That body takes years of intense training and a strict diet!"
 I'd say that this is pretty much like a "Intro to Fitness and Health" crash-course. You should watch it! Especially if you're one, or god forbid all of the following:
- You think you will get somewhere with half-assed working out.
- You unmotivated but you whine about wanting a hot body all the time.
- You have no idea how to keep being motivated for longer than a week.
- You think skipping meals and playing your own version of the Hunger Games will help.
- You obsess over the number on the display of your scale.
And drum-roll for the worst one of all!
- You think females have no business lifting weights.
A little disclaimer here:
I'm being a bit overly dramatic. I used to be just like this before I started hitting the gym with my boyfriend who taught me everything I now know. So don't worry! You can learn how to properly work towards that slow-motion daydream of walking on the beach in a sexy little two-piece, salt in your hair, sun on your bronzed skin, turning heads with your perfect squatted-out tush, your toned arms, and that rock hard flat belly! I've spent years sitting on my ass, wishing hard to wake up fit, but not doing anything to get there. Don't be one of those people. Life is too short to be one of those people...
Click away. Watch it. Shoot me a question if you have one.
Also, subscribe so you don't miss the second part!
Update: Check out Part 2 here.

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About the Author: The Belle Adventures


"I was never one of those little girls that used their mom's lipstick & put on heels around the house. I was a full on tomboy. Magic happens right before I walk out the door, I look at myself in the mirror, I'm 100% myself ...." READ MORE>>

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