Detoxing can be the first step in a weight loss program, or can be a helpful step in maintaining. For me, I decided to try the widely popular Australian detox tea as a way to cleanse my body for summer. Not for my summer bod, because we should strive for "summer" bods year round, but just to rid all my toxins so I can enjoy my summer with more energy.
I'll go through this review by discussing the process, details, and results.
The first step in doing the cleanse is, well ordering the tea. You order it on The 14-day cleanse is $35 USD plus the shipping. You can do shipping with or without tracking. I would recommend with, because it's coming from Australia and it takes a while. I started to get nervous after two weeks, I had to end up e-mailing the company. Alas, I got it on my doorstep from the land down under!
There are two teas. One detox tea with roobios, goji berries, and herbs that make your metabolism faster. You drink this tea every morning with breakfast. The metabolism boost decreases appetite, increases energy, and gives you a clearer head and altogether happier outlook. It's not a bad kind of appetite suppressor, it will just teach you what portions are right for you! This is a loose-leaf tea that works with a tea infuser and tastes great with agave nectar or honey.
As for the second tea, you take it every other night. It's the colon cleanse tea. This tea comes in a tea bag for easier infusing. It has an odd scent, but that's just the herbs. The purpose of this tea is to cleanse all of the junk out of your colon so that you can absorb nutrients better into your body! It's not going to have to riding the porcelain throne all morning... it just works when you have to go! You will notice a difference.
In total, I lost 4 pounds in two weeks. For me, I can say that's a difference, because I usually just maintain my weight. However I can see some of my "problem areas" are smaller, and my muscle shows through more. To me, that's a win. I didn't do this cleanse to see a change in my body, though, I did this cleanse to see a change in the way my body feels.
I have way more energy when I wake up in the morning, even if it's extra early. If I'm at work, my feet hurt, my back hurts, my head hurts. Possibly my head hurt because of customers... (#RetailProbs). Just kidding! However I had an immense increase in energy at work, I even stayed 40 minutes longer to finish out a sale. I also noticed the decrease in my appetite... I was a lot less snack-y and knew my portions.
In conclusion, I'd say SkinnyMe deserves its reputation as one of the most well-known tea toxes out there. I didn't have a couch potato to body builder before and after, but my body feel so much better after the cleanse. It not only changed my body but my mind for the better, and anything that can do that definitely deserves a recommendation. If you're interested in trying this, I'd definitely point it in your direction! It's one all-natural, holistic and easy step to achieve a better outlook on life. For my video testimonials and experiences, check out my YouTube video on it!
picture from a marketing e-mail from SMT.
Are you a huge fan of Queen Bey (let's be honest... who isn't?) SMT is doing a promotion for the "On the Run" Tour with Beyonce and Jay-Z right now! The e-mail says:
Go in the draw to win a huge LA Vacay prize pack including: 
- Return Airfares to Los Angelos
- 3 Nights Accommodation in LA
- $1000 Spending Money
- Two tickets to Beyoncé & Jay Z's 'On The Run' Tour
- SMT's Entire Product Line


Get fit and have a cray-cray night out in LA! Just thought I'd let yo lovelies know.
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with SMT or their affiliate or parent companies. I decided to do this teatox on my own and review. I am in no way getting compensated.

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