The ones who are following my hair coloring journey know that so far I have tried many different shades of blonde: From box hair dyes available at supermarkets, to professional hair dyes.
I wasn't always pleased with the results, but at times I did manage to pick the right shade.
Having said that, one would have thought that by now I have learned my lesson: Color does not lift color and you can't expect to go lighter just by picking a lighter box hair dye shade from the one you previously used!
This is the "experiment" that I did before I used professional hair colors, but I wanted to blog/ vlog about it, as a little warning to all of you who are trying to go lighter at home, using box hair dyes.
Needless to mention the outcome of this experiment was a fail!
I fixed it with purple shampoo, then waiting for cca 3 weeks, and then going to my hairdresser to get some professional help (and a good dose of highlights!)
When I use shades 7.1 (natural ash blonde / dark ash blonde) it always turns out great, but I know now that I can't ever again reach for box hair dyes level 10 or higher if I don't want to achieve a disaster on my head!
Because of the "ash" element, I wanted to believe that this might somehow work in lightening my hair to a nice shade of blonde.
But the outcome was far from what I pictured in my head as a "nice shade of blonde."
These are some screenshots from my video review which you can check out here if you haven't yet:
The kit that I used was from L'Oreal Creme Excellence line, and to be honest, I have only the best things to say about the actual quality of the product.
The important thing is to use the shade that will actually work on you, taking in consideration your natural (or base) hair color.
In the kit you'll also get a little tube of serum that you're supposed to apply on your hair pre-coloring, so it gives and extra protection to your hair.
It has a good grey coverage, you get a good size of a conditioner that you can use more than once and the whole coloring process is simple & easy.
In the past, I used Creme Excellence 7.1 (Ash Blonde), which turned out to be a very flattering shade of darker ash blonde that I used on my roots, and it turned out looking fabulous! I reviewed it here:
I hope these reviews and sharing my experience and what I've learned in the process, was helpful.
Now I came back to dying my roots a slightly bit darker, with natural/ darker/ash tones of blonde, and this is what works best for me!
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About the Author: Trench Collection
"Beauty & fashion are a big part of my world and my everyday life! With the correct beauty routine we can all let our natural beauty shine! I never take fashion too seriously though. To me, fashion exists to brighten up my days and to inspire me to be creative in my life!"READ MORE>>
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