Halloween Nail Tutorial - Evil Witch, Black Cat & Cobwebs

Hello beauties :)

Today I'm giving you a complete Halloween nail set with cobwebs, a black cat and an evil witch! You have complete freedom on which nail varnish you'd like to select of course! 


Acrylic paints, nail polish, remover, cotton balls, a pad, brushes and dotting for decorations


1. Put on conditioner / base on clean nails. For me it is a conditioner with silk from Alle Paznokcie.
2. Because I chose neon paints, these look best with white base - white lacquer painted nails Diamond Cosmetics No. F-28. Two thin layers.
3. I painted the thumb with black lacquer My Secret No. 121.

4. I painted my pointer/index and middle finger neon green with paint from Lemax (lacquer pitcher, I do not know what number) and the ring and pinky finger neon orange with Salon Perfect No. 506 Traffic Cone. If you get any polish on your skin, don't worry about it as you can clean them later with nail polish remover.

5. Take black acrylic paint and a thin brush.
6. Draw the outline of the witch.
7. Fill in the design with black paint.
8. Optional: Draw a mouth (make a small notch with a different colored paint).
And the witch is ready. Of course, there are plenty of options - you can draw the head with a hat or the witch's silhouette with her hair on a different nail. 


1. Draw a cat head. I've used a black stain. Then add the pointy ears.
2. Mix a little bit of black and white paint to create gray, which will serve to fill in the ears, nose and mustache.
3. Fill in the cat ears with the gray paint, this will give it a slightly three-dimensional look.
4. Using white paints / white lacquer create the eyes. Iris can be done in any color - I chose dark green. Draw a nose (inverted triangle) and finally draw a mustache.


Painting cobwebs/spider webs involves drawing lines - the thinner the better. My came a bit too thick.  Then we to draw slightly rounded dashes.
You can paint on each side of the nail, as well as cobweb not be finished until the very end.


And tada! :)


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