In this post I'll show you the step-by-step process to making yourself up into a cute red fox!

First: the supplies and tools!
- Paradise orange, metallic orange, black, and white
- sponges
- Brushes- chisel, #2,#3, and flat
- Water in a spray bottle and water to clean brushes (not shown)
- Image of a red fox

Start: Smile for the camera. ;D this is just to show I already had a lot of black eye makeup on before I started. Oh, and, Crazy Hello Kitty bling!

Step 1: Spray your white with water and use the sponge to cover a muzzle, edges, and sides of ears in white. Use a dabbing method to get good solid white coverage- don't drag it.

Step 2: Use the metallic orange on a sponge to fill in the rest of the face. Carefully use the sponge to shape ears and the top of the fox face. The ears of a fox are generally bigger than a cats and pointy- see image reference!

Step 3: Using the regular orange and the flat brush, create whispy strokes from the orange to the white all around the face to create a fur effect.

Step 4: Grab two brushes- the #3 round and the chisel brush. Start outlining the top with black using the round brush. While it is still semi-wet, use the chisel brush to drag the black out and create shading.

Step 5: I have done the black lining and shading all around my face now. I've also done the same thing around my eye area to create and elongated look. I then took the #2 brush and using white- created wispy fur lines from the ears, the muzzle, and edge of my face. I then used the same brush to create a few little fur lines under my eyes to make it look more like fur. These strokes are done really quickly, just barely pushing on the brush.

Step 6: Get the flat brush and fill it up with black. Create the small nose- round on the top and barely coming to the nostrils. Again, look at the picture, the noses are cute and more like dog's than cat's. Paint your lower lip black. Then get the #2 round and using black, very carefully create the line from the nose to top lip. Next, with the same brush, do little black fur lines in the ears.

Step 7: Lastly, add whisker dots with the #2 loaded with black. If you want to add little white whisker, use the same brush just loaded with white and do very quick lines. Voila! A-wooooo!

Have you seen that Ylvis song? Well, if so, you might enjoy my goofiness.
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About the Author: Painted Mistress
I'm a rainbow haired, walking kaleidoscope of color, glitter, and awesome.... READ MORE>>

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