Wella Color Fresh 10/81 Silver Review | Toning Yellow/Orange/Brassy Blonde Hair At Home!

Hello beauties!

As you already know, a couple of years ago, I started coloring hair at home.

It's been somewhat of a journey because it's definitely not easy to get a beautiful blonde color, when you're not a professional and basically learn along the way, doing trial and errors!

A few months ago, I was able to book an appointment by my hairdresser in Croatia (as we were spending a few days there so I thought I'd just go to have my hair done professionally!)

But, somehow, unfortunately, the color on my roots didn't turn out quite as I expected it to turn out and in the couple of following washes, it turned into quite brassy and orangey looking!

I was very disappointed because for such results I could have just done it myself, you know!


So I tried fixing it with a toner! I heard Wella Professional had great toners for achieving that perfect blonde, so at my local drugstore, I picked the Wella Color Fresh in 10/81 Silver.

It's a ready-to-use toner so you don't have to mix it with a developer or anything. The instructions say to leave it on wet hair for 5 to 20 min. 

So I washed my hair (shampoo, conditioner, etc) and then I applied the toner. I even put on a shower cap to create more heat and possibility for the toner to act better, and after a bit more than 20 min I rinsed it off.

The result was...invisible! LOL

Only my highlights got a bit ashier and had a hint of silver to it, but the brassy roots just stubbornly stayed that way! Ugh! I expected it to be more efficient.

So this toner I'd recommend for whoever needs to just freshen up already perfect blonde but not to fix or lighten hair.

Instructions say to use it minimum of 2 weeks after coloring your hair, to avoid hair damage; in alternative you can mix it with a white mask or a hair conditioner, leave on for some time and then proceed to washing your hair as you'd normally do.

I talk more about this toner in my video review, if you fancy taking a look:

Yesterday, I colored my roots at home again and I used the Kaypro color with 30 vol developer, which I mentioned already here and this time the results are better, as I left it on for longer.

However, I'll stop by my local beauty supplies store to ask if they have something to prevent my roots from going brassy after a couple of washes. I didn't want to use vol 40 as I'm afraid it will damage my hair too much! I'm not a professional, so if you know better than me, feel free to give me some tips & advices!

I read quite a few forums online and watched tons of DIY tutorials, so I understand this topic is quite popular, as we all would like to know how to get just that right color that we want, without damaging our hair or spending heaps on hairdressers!

Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to pay for having beautiful results but sometimes it's less than satisfying! Did I tell you about that time in Italy, when I had my hair done in a local salon and the hairdresser burnt my scalp when blow drying my hair?? She got it on max heat, just to be faster! That's horrible, as hairdresser sessions should be relaxing, not torture!

Do you have any bad experience with hairdressers or with your own DIY "hair project"?

I'd love to read your comments!

xo from Italy,

Sonia Verardo

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"Beauty & fashion are a big part of my world and my everyday life! With the correct beauty routine we can all let our natural beauty shine! I never take fashion too seriously though. To me, fashion exists to brighten up my days and to inspire me to be creative in my life!" READ MORE>>


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