Hello beauties!

How have you been spending this summer? I just came back from my holiday and I'm feeling a bit nostalgic already, thinking how summer is nearly coming to an end. Anyway, I spent very nice couple of weeks at my favorite island in Croatia, Rab. I already mentioned how that's my favorite place for summer vacations as it's very relaxing, (almost) always sunny & warm, and with beautiful beaches and breathtaking sites!

In this post I'm going to share with you an outfit that I wore to the beach - do let me know how you like it in the comments below.

In my wardrobe I have many beach dresses and this summer, I liked this red one with floral print. I got it somewhere online, for just a couple of dollars.

It's a bit see through, so it's ideal as a bikini cover up. I like it because it's flowy and breezy so it's ideal for summer heat! I'm also loving the cute flower print which is on trend.

I accessorized this look with my must-have summer jewelry: colorful bracelets, seashells and a wooden Konifer watch.

I pulled my hair up in an effortless bun and tied a silk scarf by Guess.

This summer, silk scarves in your hair are a big trend, and you can wear them many different ways: sometimes I wrap them around my pony tail, or sometimes I'll incorporate them into my braid. They're so chic and easy solution when you don't really know what to do with your hair!

With this cover up, I also wore my cute heart print denim shorts (old, from H&M), and Havaianas (also quite old, but still my ideal footwear for the beach!)

Here's a little family selfie. We've had such a lovely holiday and we already miss being at the island of Rab! Here we are at the Gonar location, one of our favorite spots at the island, along with Suha Punta. If you ever have a chance to visit Croatia, make sure to stop by Rab, I'm sure that you'll love it!

Let me know all about how was your summer?

xo from Italy,

Sonia Verardo

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About the Author: Trench Collection

"Beauty & fashion are a big part of my world and my everyday life! With the correct beauty routine we can all let our natural beauty shine! I never take fashion too seriously though. To me, fashion exists to brighten up my days and to inspire me to be creative in my life!" READ MORE>>


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