I discovered that I am a big water decal hoarder, therefore I decided that I want to use as many patterns as possible and make a collage of them. It took some time and trial runs but I ended up with this manicure, that is a stunning look and ridiculously easy to create. So check out the tutorial below and you will see there is always a way to use up all your extra water decals.


Here you can see the 3 patterns I used, skulls, flowers and peacock feathers. You will also need a good top coat, a white base polish if you think that your water decals are a bit more on the sheer side. Also a black nail polish, I choose one that is meant for nail art. But if you don't own such a polish, just take any old black polish, a thin brush and a dotting tool.

Choose the patterns you like and cut them apart. I decided to make the cuts diagonally and in a chaotic manner.

Step 1: Before this step, I added a white nail polish base coat. Since I always want the most vibrant results for my decals. Then I cut them so they would mostly fit my nail edges and the round cuticles and applied them.

Step 2: Apply even more of the decals. First try them dry and maybe make corrections when it comes to how big they are. You can always make them smaller so it is better to start with big pieces.

Step 3: After I applied all the decals I created black edge lines since I thought I needed a bit of a negative space in between.

Step 4: I also added a few dots on the lines and did a bit of a clean up.

Step 5: Apply top coat. Sometimes it is worth it to wait for it to dry and then do the clean up with nail polish remover, since it tends to easily remove the water decals.

I hope you are as in love with the finished product as I am! This is such a fun way to use your old decals even if you don't like the patterns, since they hide in the mix with the others and form a united look.

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About the Author: Baroque Fool

" I always looked a bit different then others. And sometimes it didn't make my life easy. So I wanted to share my looks with others so they don't need to go through life feeling isolated....." READ MORE>>


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