I am addicted to graphic geometric nails! I love them even more if they feature geometrical bodies - and triangles are one of my favorites.

Since negative space manicures are a big hit I decided to attempt to make one. In case you don't follow nail trends all the time - Negative space manicure means the nail art features a space on the nail where you can see the natural nail.


For this manicure, you need 3 colors and I chose jewel toned hues in metallic and glittery finishes since they are always a part of fall polish collections.

I used Essence Galactic Magic for the green base. Essence Best Dressed and Catrice Goldfinger to create the triangles.

Also, some striping tape to form a crisp line and gold triangular studs for that something extra.

The main star of this tutorial is a sheet protector which is a plastic sleeve which folks use primarily for storing important documents. You can also use any stamping nail art mat made especially for creating nail art decals.

As you can see, I created patches made with the purple and gold polishes. The trick is to let it dry completely so you can cut them in any form you want after you pull it off the plastic sheet. Make sure that you use 2 different colors so they will stand apart from each other when applied together on the nail.

Step 1: Apply the nail polish on the index and pinky finger. To create the negative space effect, apply the striping tape on 1/3 of the nail, then apply the same polish to the middle and ring finger.

Step 2: Remove the striping tape and make sure everything is cleaned up by the next step.

Step 3: Apply the triangles on the nails. I mostly added them on the middle of each nail. To stick them on just add a coat of clear polish and add the decal. When the clear polish dries it will act as glue.

Step 4: To apply more triangles just repeat step 3 until you are happy with the design. I added gold triangular studs as well since I wanted a fun 3D element in here as well. Don't forget a thick top coat over it all in case the manicure so far dried a bit bumpy due to all the elements applied to the nails.


This is the finished result and I am loving it! Until now I was not a fan of this negative space trend, but now seeing and wearing it on my nails, I kind off like it <3



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About the Author: Baroque Fool

" I always looked a bit different then others. And sometimes it didn't make my life easy. So I wanted to share my looks with others so they don't need to go through life feeling isolated....." READ MORE>>


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