Sunny days are finally upon us and this time of the year I wear a lot of holographic polishes since you can always count on the WOW factor for their rainbow effect, especially during the warmer days.

Trust me, your friends faces will be priceless when they see your nails under the warm Spring sun. Holographic polishes are easy to come by nowadays and are also quite cheap since almost all nail polish brands carry them.

To make holo nails pop even more, add nail art with a regular nail polish, the contrast will be absolutely stunning!


This is a very easy manicure to create and you don't need a lot of nail supplies for it.

All you need is a stunning holographic polish, I used Color Club Kismet.

A strongly pigmented black polish, I used Yes Love 467.

dotting tool that has 2 different sized ends. Or you can use bobby pins or a dull pointed pencil. 

Step 1: Apply base polish.

Step 2: Make 3 big dots. Make sure there are even spaces between them, also make sure there is still a lot of space left on the right and left side of the 3 dots.

Step 3: Make 2 dots on the right side of the middle line. Space them far apart from the middle line and make sure they line up with the negative space of the middle dot line.

Step 4: Do the same on the left side of the nails.

Step 5: Make small dots in the middle of the big lines. Make them seem as if each of the big dots gets 2 small ones.

Step 6: Do the same on the left side of the nail. If you placed the dots correctly it will seem like the big dots are bound together by the small ones.


I feel this is a very fun and playful manicure that anyone can attempt to recreate and then brag about it in front of their friends since holographic polishes have such a unique look to them.

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About the Author: Baroque Fool

" I always looked a bit different then others. And sometimes it didn't make my life easy. So I wanted to share my looks with others so they don't need to go through life feeling isolated....." READ MORE>>


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