Throwback To My Favorite Place - VACAY OOTD

Hello lovelies!

We all have that almost magical space in our head that we can quickly escape to from our daily routine or when things get harder...Sometimes it's a place we've never been to or maybe doesn't even exist, sometimes it's the place that when we think of it, it makes us feel safe and warm at heart.

For me this place exists and it's real! I find this to be quite a fortune because I can actually reach it and not only in my mind. I've already spoken about the island of Rab in Croatia and how it's my favorite vacay spot.

Well, it's also the place where I lived for the first few years of my life and the place where I was growing up, learning, exploring, experiencing things for the first time...I'm glad to be able to call this place my second home!

Early fall days at the island are even more beautiful than summertime! It's because the island is more quiet, but the days are still very sunny and warm.

This is the outfit I wore on our last day of our summer vacay at the island. We stayed at the beach until sunset and then went to catch the last ferry to the mainland. 


H&M T-shirt with a Motif - White 7 Up

H&M - Short Cargo Skirt - Green

Zara Cat Eye Sunglasses - Lolita

My t-shirt and skirt are from H&M and sunnies are from Zara (I got everything on summer sales). Even now and then, I keep wearing the t-shirt (days are colder, but it's a good layering piece or even under a denim jacket) and sunnies are a must! I love this cat eye model, in fact it was on my pre-summer shopping wishlist! I'm glad I was able to grab them for only € 3.99 (such a steal at Zara summer sales!).

I don't want to sound as I can't get over the fact that summer is behind us! I'm actually quite excited for the fall season. I love early fall days (sunny, warm, but not too hot!).

I can still go outside early with my little son and play on the playground, enjoying the rays of sunshine that only gently caress us! I'm also excited for the winter and my boy's 2nd birthday!

I usually was always kind of depressed after summer was over but since my son was born, I truly enjoy every season (except for the spring and horrible pollen allergies!) and look forward to even the coldest days! I have something to be happy about every single day.

xoxo from Italy,

Sonia Verardo

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"Beauty & fashion are a big part of my world and my everyday life! With the correct beauty routine we can all let our natural beauty shine! I never take fashion too seriously though. To me, fashion exists to brighten up my days and to inspire me to be creative in my life!" READ MORE>>


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