Hey dolls,

Today I will share some details about a new product from my collection. It is the Ultraflesh Shinebox, which is the miracle of all highlighters. I received it some time ago, from Strawberrynet and I was very exited.


The packaging is from a very strong plastic and very shiny. The box contains 5 products and inside you will find 3 drawers for every product.

The box contains:

-1x All Over Enhancer 

-Two All Over Highlighters

-Two All Over Shimmers


The first drawer contains a gold iridescent highlighter powder, which in the summer will look gorgeous on tan skin. I don't use it as a highlighter because it's too colorful for my taste. Instead, I like to use it as a blush.


In the second drawer, we have two creamy highlighters: Anywhere & Anytime. Even if they are creamy products, they resist very well and they don't fade in the middle of the day. You can use them on your cheeks, nose, on your upper lip and anywhere you'd like to add a highlight. I like to use them as a makeup base because they make the eyeshadow adhere very well.


In the last drawer, we have two retractable eye pencils: Secret Shimmer and Nude Shimmer. I use them often to highlight the inner corner of my eyes and also use them on my waterline as an eye brightener. They don't have a very dramatic effect and they are very discreet.


In conclusion, I find it very useful, it can be transported easily, its not heavy, the shades are very resistant and they give the skin a special glow.

Comment below:

Do you use this shimmery box? If yes, what do you think of it?

Lots of love, M!

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