Review: Biorigine Shanti Spirit Massage Oil

It's been a while once again! I'm behind on some reviews and other posts...once again. Well, let's leave the stories for another time and get to the point.
I want to review a product I got from Biorigine, it's this re-comforting massage oil with the sweet, fruity essence of Orange, Verbina and Ylang-ylang, that are famous from bringing a moment of joy and stimulating your enthusiasm. 
Now that I have almost finished the bottle, I can say a few words about it. 

I used it for massages and once or twice as a body lotion. I liked the way it left the skin, feeling soft and silky. It also has a nice subtle shine on the skin, creates the illusion of healthy, slightly 'tanned' skin. It has a very strong smell though, which at first felt a bit suffocating, then I got used to it.

Above, you can see the difference between the oily spot and normal dry skin. Has a bit of yellowish glow, makes the skin look alive.

- skin absorbs it quickly
- with the components and consistence, it is used easily and has that calming effect
- the amount is okay (considering I received it for testing, otherwise I'd consider the price a bit high)

- the smell, as I said, was a bit shocking at first, since it's very strong. I got used to it quickly, but maybe for some it can be kind of suffocating
- the price...I probably wouldn't pay around 80 Ron (almost 18 euros)  for a massage oil, even if the product is good. 

Would I buy it? At the moment, being in a financial collapse, I wouldn't pay a lot of money for a massage oil. But I do like Biorigine ingredients and saw some tempting products, I will probably stack up in the future. Meanwhile, I would love to test more of their products!



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