Hey dolls,

Today's makeup look is a bright summery look.

It kind of has that 60s Twiggy feel to it with the cut crease but of course it's more modern with the bright colors and glitter accent.

Overall, it's fairly simple to achieve, so let's get started with the tutorial!


  • NYX Jumbo Pencil - Milk
  • Glazel Visage Light Pink Eyeshadow 
  • Glazel Visage Sky Blue Sky Eyeshadow 
  • Glazel Visage Dark Pink Eyeshadow
  • Glazel Visage Lilac Eyeshadow 
  • BH Cosmetics Eyes On The 60s Palette (light blue)
  • Sleek Makeup Matte Me Eyeliner - Fandango + Brink Pink 
  • NYX Liquid Crystal Liner - Crystal Gold (LCL101)
  • False Eyelashes
  • L'oréal Paris Voluminous Power Volume 24H Mascara
  • Makeup Atelier Paris Pearl Pigment - PP 24 Extra Bright



  1. Since this is a bright makeup look, begin with a white base.
  2. Apply a light pink shadow to the brow bone and blend out to soften the edges.
  3. Apply a bright blue eyeshadow to the entire eyelid leaving the inner corner blank.
  4. Apply a light blue shadow to the inner corner and merge with the bright blue, creating a gradient effect.
  5. Apply a dark pink shadow to the outer brow bone just above the crease and merge with the light pink creating a gradient effect.
  6. Apply a pearlescent powder to the inner corner of the eyes and just beneath the brows for a highlight.
  7. Apply a purple liner to the upper lashline and create an exaggerated wing for that mod look.
  8. Apply a bright pink shadow to the lower lashline.
  9. Apply a pink liner to the inner ½ of the upper lashline to create a gradient effect with the purple liner.
  10. Apply false lashes and mascara.
  11. Apply white liner to the inner rim of the eyes.
  12. Finish the look with gold glitter liner along the outer edges.


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