Well, this time I'm here to talk about the channel that I'm about to open.

I've had this channel for a while now, but I've decided to change it and dedicate it to my English speaking subscribers. In this channel you will be able to find tutorials of make up and lots of other stuff, all narrated or subtitled in English, in order to let, not only Spanish speaking people, but also English speaking people and everyone understand the tutorials with no effort.

I'll do this by doing very "graphic" vídeos in which you won't need to understand what's being said but only what you see, in order to follow the tutorial and recreate the things that I do in the videos.

I've entered in contact with some brands in order to make some giveaways in this channel too, so I'm pretty excited about it.

As I said in the forum, I'll also want to make some collaborative videos with you guys, including giveaways, channel swapings...etc so I'm wating for you to tell me who of you would to make something and then start talking about it and preparing some amazing stuff.

I'll also start using my English written blog that I had abandoned a bit,  in order to make detailed explanations of the videos and interesting entries on the matter so I invite you to check it out and tell me what you think about it!

Hope to see you al around there, these are the links:



See you!

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