Postcards from Bakar and Kraljevica, Croatia!

Hi guys!

As promised, I prepared for you a little vlog from my summer vacations in Croatia. I was staying in my home town Rijeka and every day we would go to a different nearby touristic location. It was fun as all the little coastal towns and seaside resorts there are simply gorgeous!

In this video I'm taking you on a trip with me to Bakar and Kraljevica.

Bakar is a little town situated by the sea. Once it was a center of a heavy industry (such a shame!), but since the '90ies the infamous factory was closed down for good! That allowed the residents of this little town to finally breathe again!

However, you still can't go for a swim in Bakar, but you have to go a bit further away, and that's how our next destination was Kraljevica!

We usually go to the beach called Uvala Scott in Kraljevica, that is situated next to the island of Krk. The island of Krk is connected to the mainland by a bridge, and you can actually see it in my vlog video, and it the postcard above!

We always have loads of fun at Uvala Scott, we enjoy swimming and the sea there is always very clean and crystal clear! My hubby enjoys diving, and there are so many fishes and sea urchins, that the underwater life is very interesting to observe!

We love staying at the beach until very late (until the sunset), because the sunsets from Uvala Scott are just gorgeous! The sun sets behind the mountain of Ucka and casts such a vivid colors to all the bay of Kvarner!

Don't forget to watch my Postcards from Bakar and Kraljevica vlog video!


I hope that you enjoy watching it! Let me know how was your vacation, where did you go this summer?

xo from Italy,

Sonia Verardo

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" Beauty & fashion are a big part of my world and my everyday life! With the correct beauty routine we can all let our natural beauty shine! I never take fashion too seriously though. To me, fashion exists to brighten up my days and to inspire me to be creative in my life!" READ MORE>>


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