Hi girls,

Today I am sharing another fun tutorial here. Summers are still on and you can flaunt this cool fruit manicure on your nails.

Things you will need to achieve this look:



1. Start by painting a bluish-green nail polish on your middle and ring finger nails. I used China Glaze For Audery.

For your pointer and pinky nails, use a white textured polish. I used Sally Hansen Sugar Coat Sugar Fix.

2. Using a yellow acrylic paint, create two ovals on each middle and ring finger nail. 

Fill the ovals using the same yellow acrylic paint. Let them dry.

3. Once the ovals are completely dry, draw a criss-cross pattern on each of them with a fine detailing brush.  Use a brown acrylic paint for this.

4. Outline and draw boundaries around each oval using the same brown acrylic paint. Be careful. Do not smudge the brown paint on the ovals.

On the pointer and pinky nails, create polka dots with the same brown acrylic paint.
Use a small dotting tool for this.

5. Now, for the top part of the pineapple crown, add leaves on each oval using a green acrylic paint.

Let the leaves dry completely. Seal off the manicure with a top coat.

You have your Pineapple nails ready!

Thanks for stopping by. Stay beautiful...

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About the Author: Precious Pearl Makeup

"I started doing simple designs and mix & match nails, after receiving a positive response, I started taking it seriously. A year later, I started creating freehand designs. ...." READ MORE>>


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