Hey Girls,

Few days ago, I received some products from GOSH. And today I want to show you the beautiful nail polish they sent me. I really love it, it has both small and large glitter particles in many colors. I like to wear it alone on my nails but also mixed with other nail polishes. I think I use it just about every time I do my nails!

It lasts very well on the nails and it's very hard to clean it up or remove, since it has glitter. You can see it on top of another manicures here, here and here. Today I'm gonna show you how it looks simple on my nails.


Don't forget to email me, send pictures, questions and requests on my e-mail address: mayaa.makeup@yahoo.com

Kisses, M!

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Comment by annamaria Kyriazis on July 25, 2013 at 12:05pm

so pretty

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