It's cold now! It is that time of year when no matter what type of skin you have, your face is immediately smacked by the cold resulting in the cracking, flaking, itchy, dry skin. Sometimes it literaly feels like your face is cracking. It is uncomfortable and not pretty. My time as a massage therapist gave me the experience to learn about my skin and skin types in general. 

I have combination/oily skin and during the cold it is easy for me to get breakouts and dry flaky skin at the same time. So here is what I use to keep my face clear and moisturized during these mean cold days. 

I still exfoliate and do a hydrating mask every week. It keeps the skin fresh and kills off the patches of flaky skin you may attain.

I continue to use my gel cleanser (Mark. that's deep $6). I am prone to breakouts and this cleanser does a great job during the winter and summer months. The product doesn't over dry my skin and the smell doesn't give me an instant headache.

I use the Boots Rosewater Tonic ($7). This is my all time favorite toner. No itching, no burning, no irritation. It leaves my skin smooth and feeling clean without the crazy stripping and hardcore fragrance. It does have a subtle fragrance but it doesn't linger. 

Serums! I suggest always using a serum. It adds that extra protective barrier against aging, weather, and daily free radicals that can get on the skin. Boots Botanics Age Defense Serum ($10) is my serum at the moment. It is creamy and calming on my skin.

Roc Multi Correxion 4-1 ($10). This product does everything, it has SPF 15 and you can use it all over your face including your eyes. It gives a healthy brightening look to the skin. There are many mixed reviews on this product. Some people find it too oily or can't get over the fragrance. I for one don't do good with fragrance and while at first it did kinda bother me it doesn't anymore. Use this product in moderation, a little goes a long way. This isn't the moisturizer that you put globs of on your face as some people do. I do half a pump. *They have upgraded this product to 5 in 1 Daily, in which I have not tried yet as it came out right after I purchased this 4 in 1.*

Eye Creams are important. The skin on our eyes is thinner than the rest of our face which is why people tend to notice lines and wrinkles starting there. Using an eye cream can help protect that skin and prevent those signs of aging. I know that is it hard for people to find the right one because there are so many. I always pick a cream not a gel. The gels don't usually work for me. I can't seem to get the moisturized feeling from a gel as I do a cream. My eye cream of choice is Boots Protect & Perfect Intense Eye Cream ($20). I definitely notice a difference in the fine lines and my dark circles. 

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