L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss Glossy Blondes #801 Review | DIY BLONDE ROOTS TOUCH UP!

Hey guys!

My darks roots needed a quick fix and my visit to my hairdresser wasn't anywhere near. My hairdresser lives in Croatia and I've trusted her with my hair for years now! Since getting the right shade of blonde is tricky and requires knowledge, I never felt brave enough to try and touch up my roots at home!

The result was me "crying" at the reflection in my mirror every time my dark roots started showing, or even worse, a couple of grays here and there!

It looked messy and ungroomed and I started to feel quite desperate about it! Blonde hair color requires way more maintenance than darker hair colors, but I was a brunette in the past and I know I feel (and look) much better as a blonde!

So I finally decided to take this step: I bought a box hair dye at my local drugstore and I said to myself (and to my hubby, lol!): "We're doing this!"

Prior to making my purchase, I did a little online research and watched some reviews that helped me figure out which color shade / brand would suit my hair best!

In my video, I'm reviewing the L'Oreal Box Dye Casting Creme Gloss for Glossy Blondes in #801.

This was my first time touching up my roots at home so I'm sharing with you how this little "adventure" went down! I hope you enjoy watching and find it helpful!

Let me know how do you like the end result?

I'm actually quite pleased, it turned out way better than I expected, considering the fact that my roots are naturally dark and that we're talking about box hair dye here and without ammonia! Since I'm pregnant, I paid extra attention to the fact that the hair color I chose doesn't have any harsh chemicals.

The risk of turning out orange was quite high, but I gathered the "courage" or should we say "craziness" and I finally decided to try it out and see how it turns out!

My hubby helped me out by applying the color to the back of my head and the parts that aren't so visible to me. I was literally all over the place, and the total opposite of skilled (that's why I didn't film the actual demo part, so please bare with me! In my video I did talk you through, step by step, what I did, and I tried to explain everything well!). Now that I "broke the ice" I'm sure it's going to be easier next time, so I might even film a whole process of me coloring my hair at home.

You can watch my review video here

Do you colour your hair at home and which color / brand do you use? Let me know!

Let's start the DIY hair color conversation and share some useful tips with each other!

xo from Italy,

Sonia Verardo

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About the Author: Trench Collection

" Beauty & fashion are a big part of my world and my everyday life! With the correct beauty routine we can all let our natural beauty shine! I never take fashion too seriously though. To me, fashion exists to brighten up my days and to inspire me to be creative in my life!" READ MORE>>


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