It's been drilled into our minds since we could read and understand language that we must be this pristine, skinny, virginal princesses with flowing dead-end free hair, non-oily skin, minimal pores, the perfect sculpted-puppy-saving boyfriend, a great career but also have time to do all the chores and the cooking. Oh, don't forget to find time to work out so you can have the perfect bod, too.
No wonder all we hear from girls these days is "fat talk." Even on some of my favorite TV shows, mostly reality ones, I'm shocked by the self-defaming words that come from the already skinny girls.
We blame these notions from the "media." However, the generation that grew up with this, is either college-age, graduating from high school, or are just starting off in the work force. Therefore, we ARE the media. Not only if you work on TV or the press, but just with social media at its peak, we are all journalists in a sense. If we see a tweet from a girl saying how guilty she feels about that cinnamon bun #fatty4life or a girl in a tight dress in instagram with a caption complaining about how fat she feels, we are taking in those thoughts and thinking about ourselves compared to them. If you think about it that way, we're the only ones to blame for body negativity in the "media" not the latest Gucci ad in InStyle.
Not to get all Karma crazy, but if you put out good vibes, good vibes will come back to you. Write down five things you love about yourself and post it on twitter, instagram, tumblr, or pinterest. They may even be bad, quirky qualities but they make you, you!
So, when we want to act on what's bothering about us in our bodies, we should be doing them for the right reasons. Make our New Years resolutions for the RIGHT reasons, like I mentioned in my resolution post. Don't work out to be a Victoria's Secret Model. Even Victoria's Secret Models don't looks like VS Models. Work out because you LOVE your body, not because you hate it!
Think of a part of your body you love. Maybe your booty. Do some squats to love it even more! Maybe you hate your arms. Do some push-ups or bicep curls so you can learn to love them. Every time we take the time to exercise a muscle we are giving it love. When we're sweating and in the zone, we're not worrying about deadlines or drama. We're not near the phone or the computer. Bring yourself to that happy place.
Just like Jennifer Lawrence believes, wouldn't you want to look up to someone who's fit than someone who's flat?
Image Courtesy: Women's Rights News
I love her and everything she stands for. Shes funny, beautiful, outspoken and looks great. There's nothing wrong with enjoying some non-clean foods now and again. Yes, we want to best for our bodies but sometimes we must feed our soul. Say things with a positive light in the media you put out there. You are in total control of what you say, not a big wig behind a computer with six-figure salary.
I LOVE what Special K is putting out there "stop fat talk." Yes I'm a fan of Special K's oatmeal and cereals. I never joined their "eating plans" because I like to do my own thing. But their latest ad campaign just feels right.
93% of women do this. More like 100%. Including myself, we've all been guilty of this at times. Some people are skeptical about Kellog's angle with this - however I'm hoping that they mean eat our low-fat/sugar/calorie foods to love and nourish yourself, and love your body. Instead of fat talk, we should be talking positively. Think of that next time you fat tweet.
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