L'Oreal Magic Retouch Hair Root Concealer For Blondes: YAY OR NAY?

Hi beauties!

I'm back with another product review!

This time, I tested out this new, little invention by L'Oreal, that is supposed to cover your regrowth and help you out between hair dresser's visits... I'm talking about L'Oreal Magic Retouch Hair Root Concealer.

Obviously, I purchased it in the version for blondes (but you can choose the one that's most suitable to your hair color, as this product also comes in black, brown and red).

I was very eager to try it out because:

1. I heard many reviews about this product (some were positive, some weren't).

2. It was a fairly recent product on the market launched by L'Oreal.

3. I haven't been to the hairdresser in a while and my roots needed some serious concealing!

My hairdresser is in Croatia and as I haven't been home in a good few months, I had to turn to some "home-made" hair tricks and DIY'. Some were more successful than the others...

I have to say that unfortunately, I was left disappointed by this product! It did not live up to my expectations and it failed to deliver the promised results :-/

After spraying it on my roots, they were still dark and it didn't manage to cover my grays either (even though it was supposed to do that!)

It looked as if though I haven't even used it and what's even worse, I hated the feeling that it left on my roots...it almost felt like it's causing an irritation to my scalp and I really wanted to just wash it off as soon as possible! :-/

I imagine this product might work better if you have dark hair and need to quickly touch up your roots. My roots are quite dark so I guess that's why it was impossible for this product to conceal them (it might work if you're a natural blonde and your roots are just a shade darker than the rest of your hair!)

In my video review I'm also showing you a quick demo on how I apply this product and the disappointing results it left on my roots!

So you can see for yourself and be the judge here!


I hope this review was helpful!

Let me know have you tried out this product and how did it work for you!

I'd love to know your opinions on this one!

xo from Italy,

Sonia Verardo

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" Beauty & fashion are a big part of my world and my everyday life! With the correct beauty routine we can all let our natural beauty shine! I never take fashion too seriously though. To me, fashion exists to brighten up my days and to inspire me to be creative in my life!" READ MORE>>


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