L.A. Colors $1 Eyeshadow Swatch in Peony

L.A. Colors $1 Trio in Peony

Browsing around the dollar store, a set of colors catch my eye.....

Now with makeup nowadays everyone loves high pigment. It seems everyone is trying to find the biggest, boldest colors out there and a lot of times you don't get that from makeup that sells for only a $1. I fiddled around with whether I should spend my hard earned dollar on a product that may not hold up to its visible colors. Out of curiosity, I picked this product up anyway. There were many different trios, but with this seeming to have the most dominating colors, I had to try this one first. And the results are....

This is the end result. This eyeshadow DOES NOT hold up very well without some sort of primer. I used the L.A. Colors Jumbo in White first, to see the intensity that these colors could bring. These eyeshadows are not so smooth and are almost chalky in texture but not enough to toss this product, but I feel the color still has the ability to stand out. 


  • L.A. Colors Jumbo White
  • L.A. Colors Peony Trio

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