Today I am going to share how to do an effective hair treatment at home.

Why do we need this 'hair spa' treatment?

Today most of us are so busy in our lives that we forget to take care our hair. Pollution, sun and everyday workload can lead to hair fall, dryness and sometimes dandruff too. If not cared properly, shine and softness vanishes from hair.

Nowadays, 'hair spa' treatments are a way to get rid of all these problems. We don’t need it every day, nor every week. Hair spa treatments are usually done once a month to cure all hair problems. These treatments are done in every high end salons. The minimum rate which I found was Rs.600 ($9.45 USD). It is indeed costly for me and I needed a back up solution.  Also, I don’t trust those chemical loaded creams that they apply on hair. We don’t know the exact ingredients that go into their products.

So, I recently got to know that we can do these treatments at home with ease using all natural products. This treatment is very beneficial and has no side effects at all. 



Massage: First, take any natural oil such as coconut, olive or almond oil and massage into your hair and scalp for 15-20 minutes.

Steam: After massaging your hair, wet a towel in hot water. Wrap it around your head covering all your hair. This will allow the oil to reach the root of the hair. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.

Shampoo: Now wash your hair with a good shampoo. It’s important to note that you should always use warm (not hot) water after steam to wash your hair. I prefer using Garnier Triple Nutrition Shampoo as it has contains nourishing oils. 

Condition: After washing, use a good conditioner. Again, I prefer Garnier Triple Nutrition Conditioner.

Hair Mask: This is the last step of the hair spa treatment.Hair masks are important because they gives life to dry and dull hair. Many hair masks are available in the market. You can use one of them or make your own natural mask.

To make a natural hair mask, you will need two eggs and some coconut/olive/almond oil. Mix well and apply on every strand of hair. If you have oily hair, use the egg whites only. Then, wrap your hair again with a hot towel for 15 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo, give a final rinse and allow your hair to air dry.

You will definitely notice a big difference in your hair condition. I have tried it and the results were  amazing! It gives your hair that shine and softness that you wish for. It also helps overcome dryness as well as oiliness.

Try it and tell us if it worked for you or not! 


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