Hey guys! I hope you all doing great and thanks for stopping by!

Today I’m going to review a set of fine glitters which are great for nail art!

Price & Quantity: Rs. 150-250 (approximately) for 24 pots

Availability: Buy online on Ebay

Product Description: These glitters can be used by both professionals and beginners. These give you a beautiful and shiny manicure every time you use them.


My Experience: These glitters comes in tiny plastic transparent pots with ring screw cap. As the packaging is transparent, you can easily identify the color you want to work with. These cuties are budget and travel friendly with no difficulty. It comes in 24 different colors which are amazing; you get an opportunity to play with so many colors and create pretty blingy nail art designs.

I really like creating glittery manicures but there are few disadvantages as well. First, it takes forever to remove glitter polish so you need to be calm while removing this glitter from your nails. Second, it can be very messy! You need to clean all the excess glitters from your nails and also work area. But if you are working hard to create pretty nail art looks then you need to work hard to remove them too. Even if it has few cons, I love this product! The sparkle these glitters provide, no other nail art accessory can do that! I surely recommend this product to all the nail art lovers.


Travel friendly
Budget friendly
24 different colors
Easily available
Add bling to your nail arts
Easy to use


Messy at times
Takes forever to remove

Rating: 4/5

These glitters are one of the best nail art decorations if you want to add a beautiful sparkle to your manicure. I recommend this product to all the nail art lovers!

Have you tried these Fine Glitters Nail Art Decorations? Do share your views and experiences in the comments below.


As always thank you so much for taking out time and reading my blog. Always keep smiling, it makes you look beautiful!


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