DIY Halloween Makeup Look Ideas | Halloween 2018

Halloween, a night we've all anticipated the entire year, is arriving oh-so soon! Are you ready to party? Halloween is the perfect excuse to break out of your comfort zone, wear an extreme outfit (sexy and fierce costume ideas) and of course, try out the craziest makeup look. Look no further because we have prepared the the most creative Halloween looks which you can easily recreate yourself this holiday.



Turning yourself into an obscure, otherworldly creature is a timeless Halloween tradition. Deep sunken eyes, inflamed blood vessels and blood splatters - put all of your creativity in this Halloween look. Wondering how to make it look even more terrifying? 

Stitches, chains and spikes and add a gore-y element and definitely take your look to next level. White screen contacts completely revamp the look for a dramatic transformation.

Flash Burn

The Goth Angel


Burnt, sliced and peeling skin will make everyone around you squirm and optical illusions such as the floating head are pretty simple to create, yet look incredibly insane IRL.

Graphic Slices

Peeling Off

Sliced Open


Pumpkin Skull

What's halloween without pumpkins? Get creative and carve out a pumpkin with face paint and even better - combine looks such as pumpkin skull or pumpkin smashed Cinderella. You can make this as cute or as ghoulish as you'd like and you'll have a totally unique look that nobody else has!

Evil Pumpkin

Pumpkin Smashed Cinderella

Wrong Pumpkin to Carve

For this look, you'll need lots of grease paint in a pumpkin color palette, black eyeliner for detailing might be useful and you'll need ample time to make this pumpkin look work, but the final result is totally worth any extra effort.


LaLa The Clown

Nobody loves creepy clowns so this is probably one of the best costumes to wear! You an go for the classic white face with the red nose and mouth, combine with other popular halloween looks and even add glitter for some sparkle.

Snow White Clown

Cute Clown

Want to take this look up a notch? Take regular clown makeup to next level by adding a bit of fake blood and draw an extra-scary mouth on your face - the wider the better. Complete with crazy colored contacts for an evil clown face. Have fun freaking everyone out!


Clowning Around

Evil Clown Face Tutorial

Sparkly Halloween Makeup


Gothic Witch

For a spell-bounding look, a witch is the way to go! From good witch to evil witch and everything in between - choose a style that suits your liking. While your cauldron is bubbling, smear on smudged dark lips and create dark shadows under the eyes. Long, stiletto nails with dark polish are the perfect accessory to complete the look.

Forest Witch

The Witch

Demon Witch

If you're going for a classic halloween witch, accessorize with a long hat and a broomstick and for the makeup, foolproof, green grease paint all over - easy peasy and a great last minute option!

Theatrical Witch



Pink and Black Skull

What is creepier than a subtle mix between beautiful and scary? Skeleton and skull makeup may look hard to recreate at first glance, but in fact, it's surprisingly simple!

All you need is pigmented eyeliner, an opaque matte eyeshadow palette, full coverage concealer and a bit of imagination.

Minimalist Sugar Skull

Sugar Skull

Floral Skull

Half skull or half skeleton looks are great if you're short on time and look just as nice as a full face look. Pop on a wig for a total transformation and bonus points for a DIY rose head crown. Embellish the look with crystals, rhinestones and even glitter tears which are so popular right now.


Half Skeleton

Neon Glam Skull

Pink Skeleton


Zombie Doll

What will you do, when the zombie apocalypse comes? We are sure that the best tactics to survive the zombocalypse is to blend! You are going to need some basic makeup supplies to get a perfect decaying makeup look: white face paint, fake blood and liquid latex. You are ready to face the end of humanity! But, who believes in these sci-fi-horror mysteries! Zombie apocalypse isn't actually going to happen, right?

Haunted House Night

Half Zombie

Zombie Girl


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