I've worked on film now for over five years professionally and one of the first things I learned was how to create was quick, and easy gashes and cuts. In this special fx tutorial, I'll show you how to easily create a "creature scratch" that appears as if you've been attacked by some sort of creepy critter. Enjoy!


Mehron  Bruise Wheel ( about $10.00 )
Spirit Gum Adhesive ( about $5.00 )
Cotton ( about $1.50 )
Your favorite foundation ( varies depending, $6.00 and up )
Liquid Band-aid ( about $5.47 )
Cold Cream ( about $5.99 )
Morticians Wax ( about $7.00 )
Fake Blood ( $5.00 - $11.00 ) depending on brand
Final Seal ( about $8.00 )
Sponges/Popsicle Sticks/Brushes


Step 1: Clean your skin where you plan to create your scratches, basic alcohol works fine.

Step 2: Get out your spirit gum. With a brush you don't mind ruining ( the spirit gum will most likely destroy it ) or a sponge, apply the spirit gum to the area you plan to make your scratches. Do this in dabbing motions. This your adhesive.

Step 3: While the spirit gum is still wet, rip up tiny pieces of cotton from a cotton ball. You only need a little bit. Put a few of the cotton hairs into the wet spirit gum, so they're sticking up a little. This will anchor in your mortician's wax when you apply it into the glue, and make it stay on more efficiently. Fan the spirit gum until it's halfway dry/tacky, which should only take about a moment.

Step 4:  Get your mortician's wax (  I used Pierce Plasto ) and spread it onto the spirit gum/cotton. Mortician's wax is a great product for effects, because you can almost sculpt anything out of it. Keep in mind the shape of the scratches you'd like to apply when doing this.

Step 5: Blend the morticians wax into the skin with your finger, or a Popsicle stick, or an old brush. Use your COLD CREAM to make this procedure easier, and to really get that mortician's wax to blend seamlessly into your skin. Play around with the shape of the wax until you see the scratch design you had in mind. Create a diagonal, jagged, "cut" in the middle of the wax to give the illusion of dimension, which appears as if you were slashed. When you're happy with the gash designs, brush LIQUID BAND-AID over the wax to set it in place. Allow it to dry, it only takes a minute or two.

Step 6: Apply your favorite foundation with a sponge in dabbing motions over your wax to blend it into your skin tone.

Step 7: With your Mehron Bruise wheel, apply the bright red tone with a brush to the middle of your scratches in diagonal motions to create depth and dimension.

Step 8: Still with your  Mehron Bruise Wheel, apply the dark purple shade in that palette to the outer edges of your "cut" and also sparingly inside of the cut to add dimension. Dab this shade also, along with the red around the outside of the cuts to make the wound appear irritated.

Step 9: Apply fake blood sparingly to the outer edge of the wounds and inside some of the wounds in diagonal motions. Less is more and too much blood looks fake usually. You can either make your own blood with syrup and food coloring, or purchase your own. I created my own for this one.

Step 10: Apply FINAL SEAL spritz to the look and fan dry. Give the design a few moments to dry. You're done!

View more posts from Krista here>>

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About the Author: Anestheticx

You can slap on deep purple lipstick one day & play out your inner vamp persona or you can go with a nude palette the next. You can wear 6 inch pumps & feel like you own the world or some combat boots and feel ready for battle.... READ MORE>>


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