Hey ya'll!
Today I have this cute, fun and fast retro nail design to show you! All you need is 2 colors of your choice, a large dotting tool, and a small dotting tool. If you don't have dotting tools, you can use a toothpick, and the end of a brush/pencil, almost anything!
First I started by painting my nails white:


- Paint nails and let dry.
- Make 3 (depending on your nail size) larger black dots on your nail and a few smaller ones.
- Take your smallest dotting tool and go around 2 of the biggest dots, making very small dots around it. You should end up with a gear wheel type of design. Then, take the small dotting tool again and place smaller white dots into the small black dots.
- At this point its really up to your creativity, as you can see I made more black/white dots in the other dots, just to give it a contrasting color!

-Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear - Black Out, and White On
-Small and large dotting tool

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