Lately people are getting more and more "against" make up. At first, I tried to explain my vision, but now it's getting very tiring to make them differentiate between "concealing yourself" and "enhancing yourself."

What do you think about this subject? 

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@ Awenyr this is an awesome topic! thank you for posting this. Makeup is certainly subjective ...find out more about what I think here

xoxo, Mandy <3

thanks to you for giving me the opportunity

In my opinion it depends on the person's skills, in my case I've started learning because I love colors and I'm addicted to lip sticks but I'm not any good at creating looks though haha, my world is the nail design! 

I enjoy so much watching make-up tutorials, I feel really prettier and more secure about myself when I'm wearing makeup, also I'm happy it's like a trick you can easily hide your shiners haha, makeup is art!Art it's our way to express ourselves, like or not! haha

Hope you like my view ^__^


thanks for your comment, it's very interesting reading your opinnion sabout this certain subject

I don't see it as concealing at all. Makeup is fun and one can create so many looks with just the swipe of a brush. For me, makeup is definitely an enhancement. I am 50 years old and I look quite sallow without some color on my face so I'm thankful for makeup.

It's great to see so many people thinking like me, it was quite disturbing finding so many detractors...

It is hard to make people some times to like makeup i do makeup i have clients that they say they do not like too much makeup because make them look fake but i always explain is a difference on Concealing. Some times Concealing makes you reduce the appearance of the under eye circles or probably erase something your not happy with. Like i say it depends on the person who does the makeup some people use too much to make the face symmetrical  i just like to use lightly concealer in some parts of my face for my daily look. 


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